Monday, January 24, 2011

Understanding Refurbished Solar Panels

Solar energy has become very popular and many more homeowners would use it if it were not for the cost that comes along with getting set up with a solar energy system.  It can cost thousands of dollars to get set up and then there is still the adapters and other equipment that is needed to run the system efficiently.  One option that some homeowners have looked at is refurbished solar panels.  Refurbished solar panels can cost significantly less and can help homeowners take advantage of green energy options and recycling at the same time.
Both online and offline retailers sell refurbished solar panels.  This include large businesses and businesses that sell surplus items, and resellers like these can get solar panels for you that cost a fraction of what brand new solar panels would cost.  If you are very handy you might be able to build your own solar panels bit by bit and be able to buy solar panels that are not completely working.  When they are only partially working, you can take the parts that work for even less of an investment.  Online bidding sites might provide you with even more options by allowing bidders and sellers to work together or you can look for solar energy products in newspapers or classified ads.

No matter what kind of panels you buy, you need to be sure that your solar panel system is put together properly.  Make sure that the various components are held together properly with the correct nuts and bolts.  Since your solar panel will be outside you want to make sure that the nuts and bolts that are used to keep it secure will not corrode.  You need to make sure that your system is secure by performing regular maintenance like cleaning the panels and checking the tightness of nuts and bolts. Either get someone who is professionally trained to put your system together or at the very least, have someone professional check it out after you are done working on it to ensure that you have not missed anything.  If your solar panel is put together properly in the first place and maintained regularly, it will last longer and be more efficient.

When you buy refurbished solar panels, there are a few more things you should specifically be aware of.  Since new solar panels are smaller you will find that the less expensive and older solar panels will cost the least.  Refurbished solar panels that are newer may cost a little more but they will also have a longer lifespan.  Keep in mind that some broken solar panels may still be useable with some simple repairs.  If you see cracks or condensation in the glass it is not likely worth your time to repair it.  You can find solar panels that are as old as 20 years that are still in great condition so spend some time looking around if money is an issue to you.

Remember also that if there are tax incentives for going solar by your local government, you will not be able to take advantage of these if you are using used solar panels.  The taxes credits and discounts that are often available to those who add a solar energy system to their homes will not be available to you if you use solar panels so make sure that it will be worth your while to go solar with refurbished panels.

Individual households and the world as a whole, benefit when people choose to harness solar energy by installing solar energy systems in their homes.  Refurbished panels can help further because they are recycled items.  Consider the nuts and bolts of the situation carefully and you will be able to decide what will work best for you.

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